Lady Tata Memorial Trust International Awards


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Academic Year: Please select the Academic year from the list.
Please select scholarship from the list.

Winners of the Academic Year 2022 - 2023
Sr.No.Applicant NameInstituteProjectApplicant's CountryScholarship Name
1Dr Natalia EstradaDepartment of Hematology, Oncology, and Cancer Immunology Charité - Universitätsmedizin BerlinDissection of clonal evolution and diversification in secondary and therapy-related acute myeloid leukaemiasSpain International Award for Research in Leukaemia
2Dr William GreyYork Biomedical Research InstituteUncovering novel therapeutic targets in leukaemia with low input proteomicsUnited Kingdom International Award for Research in Leukaemia
3Dr Bettina WingelhoferCancer Research UK Manchester InstituteIdentification of functionally active and essential enhancers in acute myeloid leukaemiaUnited Kingdom International Award for Research in Leukaemia
4Dr Vilma DembitzBarts Cancer InstituteMechanisms of anti-leukemic effects of stearoyl-coA desaturase (SCD) inhibitionUnited Kingdom International Award for Research in Leukaemia
5Dr Rémi SafiJosep Carreras Leukaemia Research InstituteContribution of Lipid Droplets to the pathogenesis and chemoresistance of Acute Myeloid Leukeamia (ALERT)Spain International Award for Research in Leukaemia
6Ms Ayona JohnsBrunel University London. College of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences. Leukaemia epigenetic LabModelling infant AML using an organoid model of embryonic haematopoiesisUnited Kingdom International Award for Research in Leukaemia
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